DiamondTouch product videos
DiamondTouch Immersion. This video provides an overview and demonstration of the DiamondTouch Immersion remote collaboration system.
Multi-User DiamondTouch Table and Adobe Acrobat. This video provides an overview of the multi-user DiamondTouch table and introduces the multi-user plug-in for Adobe Acrobat.
DiamondTouch Mouse. This video introduces the multi-touch mouse emulator that is included with the multi-user DiamondTouch table. (NOTE: If your internet service provider blocks content from YouTube, this video will not play. Instead you can download the video here: DTMouse.mp4 (18MB)
Boston Globe Interview. Scott Kirsner from the Boston Globe shot this video at the "Entrepreneurs on the Edge" demo night at Cambridge Innovation Center earlier this year.
DiamondTouch. Not just multi-touch… multi-USER-touch. This is the classic DiamondTouch promotional video. Enjoy.
DT Collaborate software extension for ESRI's ArcGIS. VerySpatial caught up with Circle Twelve at the 2008 ESRI User Conference to see DiamondTouch and the latest plug-in for ArcGIS.
Selected videos from DiamondTouch User Community
Around the Table. Researchers from the Human-Computer Interaction Design group at the Indiana University School of Informatics offer up this study of collocated collaboration and the need for multi-user computer interfaces.
Emergency Response. This is a system designed for disaster management built by Geodan using the DiamondTouch table.
DiamondSpin. First shown at CHI 2004, researchers from MERL, University of Paris, and Stanford University offer this solution to the orientation issue in tabletop computing. DiamondSpin is now open sourced and downloadable on www.diamondspin.org.
Beyond Social Protocols. Researchers from Stanford University, MERL, and University of Paris examine how people work together and how multi-user touch can be used to enforce social protocols. This work was first presented at the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
GroupLab SDG Toolkit. Researchers from University of Calgary developed a toolkit for rapid development of single display groupware on the DiamondTouch table.
WarCraft. Edward Tse from University of Calgary created this speech + gesture interface for operating WarCraft on the DiamondTouch table, making Ed a YouTube rock star! More about Ed on www.edwardtse.com.
Expressive Touch. Presented at TableTop 2006 (the first annual IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Human-Computer Systems), this work from University of Toronto and MERL looks at one and two hand gesture input on the DiamondTouch table.
DiamondTouch + Max/MSP. Here is some interesting work from University of Tokyo’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), using DiamondTouch and MAX/MSP to create a multi-touch, multi-user musical interface.
TetraTetris. This is a four-player twist on the popular computer game of Tetris. This application, developed by researches from the University of Arizona, was presented at INTERACT 2003 and was one of the first multi-user DiamondTouch applications developed outside MERL.
UIST 2001. This video shows the original DiamondTouch prototype system developed at MERL as shown at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology in 2001. The last 50 seconds, which betray the state of mind of the authors after several all-nighters, are worth the wait.
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DiamondTouch Product Information
12.SEP.13 Circle Twelve Announces Software Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat, Enabling Multi-user Functionality on the DiamondTouch Table
12.OCT.12 Multi-User DiamondTouch Touchscreen Display Honored at ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
13.AUG.12 Samsung's defense against Apple patents begins with DiamondTouch table
12.MAY.12 Circle Twelve Selected to Leading Industry Analyst Firm's "Cool Vendor" List
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25-26 February 2013 l Washington DC
7-9 May 2013 l Las Vegas
12-14 June 2013 l Orlando
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DiamondTouch Product Information
25.SEP.13 Circle Twelve Introduces New Video Conferencing and Immersive Multi-user Collaboration System 12.SEP.13 Circle Twelve Announces Software Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat, Enabling Multi-user Functionality on the DiamondTouch Table
12.OCT.12 Multi-User DiamondTouch Touchscreen Display Honored at ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
13.AUG.12 Samsung's defense against Apple patents begins with DiamondTouch table
12.MAY.12 Circle Twelve Selected to Leading Industry Analyst Firm's "Cool Vendor" List
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ESRI Federal User Conference25-26 February 2013 l Washington DC
7-9 May 2013 l Las Vegas
12-14 June 2013 l Orlando
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